How we’re preparing for the Spring Equinox

Astrologically, politically, socially, there is a lot of change in the air at the moment. This year, many people are experiencing increasing overwhelm and pressure as they contemplate how they’ll navigate this mounting change, and the more they contemplate, the more they become stuck in the all too familiar depths of indecision and resistance.

Familiar patterns have a gravitational pull, inviting us to stay attached and focused on our old energetic ways of being and thinking. The good news? The spring equinox is nearly upon us. An equinox is a moment in time when the earth’s orbital position declares that both day and night are of the same length. Astrologically it’s a rare event, spiritually even more so. The energy of an equinox encourages us to shed our former selves and embrace a higher vibrational frequency or a new way of being.

But we also need to do our part to encourage confident forward movement. So how do we step bravely into our light? It may sound counterintuitive, but the answer is stillness. If we can take a moment to pause, gather our balance and ground into our truest selves, we can re-orientate without falling off kilter.

One of our favourite ways of gaining balance is by looking to nature. Using intuition as our guide, we select essential oils from plants and botanicals. Supported by the aromatherapeutic and symbolic power of plant life, we’re able to restabilise and realign.

On the eve of this year’s spring equinox, we’re planning to gather our community and facilitate a magical evening. Consider this your invitation to join us. Surrounded by natural essences and native botanicals, you will select flower and plant essences to create your own bespoke fragrance that will carry you into the season ahead. We’ll also take a moment to pause and set some intentions so that when the spring equinox arrives, you will have planted the seeds for all the dreams you’d like to bring to life.

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