ClubNo. 26 Emma Morris

No. 26 Emma Morris

A writer, an artist, and a proud mum to three adorable fur babies, Emma is always ready for new and exciting experiences. Having attended our Classic Club workshop and wanting to explore more, she also recently attended our Perfume Masterclass. Emma enjoyed the process of creating unique scents using different tools.
We’re excited to hear about all the fun perfumes you create, Emma, and what amazing adventure you will next indulge in!

Emma, can you introduce yourself to our Perfume Playground Community?

Hi, my name is Emma, I’m the proud mum of three beautiful cats – Katniss, Vin, and Newt (all three are named after book characters).
I’m currently studying my Master of Art Therapy to further my art therapy practice. Currently I’m a Tier-level member of ANZACATA (the association that oversees Art Therapy) and after masters I’ll be able to become a Professional-level member (the difference is really that I’ll be able to use the post nominals indicating I’m an Art Therapist).
I’m actually hoping to lease a studio soon so I can take on more clients. I also have some telehealth plans in the works, which is exciting.
I love all kinds of art and creativity; I find crochet, weaving, and watercolour painting to be the most personally soothing. I’ve also played Quadball (formerly called Quidditch) for the last ten years, so I like to think I’m a pretty fun person.
Oh! I almost forgot, I also wrote a YA novel that I’m currently editing and hoping to publish later this year, though it probably will be next year.

How did you find out about Perfume Playground?

I’ve attended a whole bunch of perfume workshops, and really love them, so I was googling one day to see if there were any in Melbourne that I had not taken, and I found Perfume Playground. I have attended two PP workshops, most recently the Masterclass and I thought they were incredible.

We love hearing scent stories. Can you share one of your favourite scents or scent memories with us?

The first perfume class I took was in late 2019, and since then I’ve only worn perfumes that I have made myself, so it can be hard for me to say “oh this is my favourite scent” haha. I guess out of all the perfumes I’ve made I made one that I called Fancy Christmas. In 2021 my fiance and I spent Christmas Day at the zoo, then two nights at a fancy hotel in the city. We called the whole thing “Fancy Christmas” and I developed a scent based on that little staycation. It had notes of lime and mint (a bit like a mojito) and vanilla.

How do you think scent could be applied in art therapy?

I think that there are many applications for scent in art therapy. Not only could I work with clients to create their own scents, but the way I fragrance the therapy room has a direct impact on clients. The whole therapeutic experience in art therapy is about promoting safety or relaxation, so using scent in the room can promote both of those feelings. One key thing I’ll need to be mindful of is the power of scent memories – art therapy clients often come in with a trauma history and I won’t want to trigger any of their trauma memories through scent.

What scent family do you gravitate towards most?

Definitely citrus, I love lime so much.

Do you change your perfume by the season, by your mood, or do you have a favourite fragrance that rules above them all?

Haha, I definitely change it up day-to-day. I made a cinnamon and lime perfume at my first perfume playground class and I wear that to warm myself up. I really like the complexities of the latest fragrance I made at the masterclass (don’t ask me what’s in it, it has 12 ingredients!) and have worn that to uni this week.

Biggest insight or inspiration you took away from our Masterclass?

Well Sam kept telling us about Mandy Aftel during the day, and now I’ve signed up for her workbook so that I can take her course later in the year. I’m very excited.
On the actual day though, the main insight I had was that scents are so powerful and subjective, one person may love a combination and another may hate it, or you might find that there’s a scent you don’t like on its own, but in combination with something else you think it’s incredible. I guess this is why Sam doesn’t prescribe scents that “go together” in the masterclass, because what we each like is so vastly different.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about joining our workshops?

Definitely sign up! Though if you’re a bit unsure of what scents you like or what you think will go together, it might be best to attend the Classic Club workshop so that you are less overwhelmed by choice and the self-directed learning of the afternoon half of the Masterclass.

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